HYPOXI – BULIMBA: 0450 915 251 | info@hypoxibulimba.com.au


If you kicked off the year with the best intentions to conquer your health and wellness goals and have slipped a little, now is a great time to re-assess your plan and commit to achieving it. To help you in this exercise, we’ve outlined below three healthy habits to complement your HYPOXI training.

  1. Plan
    Planning is critical to remaining on the healthy path – we all know ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’.How do you do this? Take half an hour each week to plan meals. We recommend planning for dinners and lunches, which take the most preparation. Planning and preparing your own meals results in less temptation to purchase that calorie-laden kebab for lunch. Also, ensure you plan well. When planning for dinners, make enough so you can have it for lunch the next day. This will reduce the output and save you time.


2. Order Online
Pressed for time? Get groceries delivered straight to your door by ordering online. Go to any leading supermarket/grocer website and purchase everything on your list after you create your meal plan. Shopping online will not only save you time, it will save you money too. Studies suggest that customers purchase more than they need when surrounded by food options. Simply google your local supermarket now and start ordering!

Alternatively, there are great ready-made meals that take the hard work and thinking out of meal planning and preparation – like the range from 5.4, which are the perfect companion to your HYPOXI training.


  1. Splurge meals
    Not giving yourself permission to eat what you like can be catastrophic. A strained relationship with food and continual guilt over food choices is generally the outcome. As a general rule, commit to no more than two meals per week to eat what you like, but ensure you do this on one day a week only, for example, Sunday lunch and dinner. This doesn’t give you permission to eat whatever you want all day long – it’s just two meals that you plan in advance and ensure enjoy every mouthful! This will help you to enjoy your life, but also stay on track with your health goals.If you need additional motivation and support – speak to our friendly studio staff – we are here to help!